Glass of God First Impressions Review - Tastes Nice but I’ve had Enough Drinks

Written by Rei Caldombra 4/18/2024 Video version:

Time for another seasonal first impression, this one on Glass of God / Bartender. There will be spoilers for the first 3 episodes.

This show is focused on and pays very strong respects to the practice of mixing drinks and bartending. To some a bar isn’t a place just to have a drink. It’s a place to relax, get away from your struggles, to meet new people and make memories. Mixing drinks is more complicated than just throwing ingredients together, it’s an art that takes years of practice. Making someone the right drink isn’t just about giving them what they ask, it’s about figuring out what will suit their tastes and feelings at that moment. These are the kinds of ideas this anime presents 

I am not someone who shares this reverence to be honest. Alcoholic drinks are just another kind of flavored drink to have occasionally. I don't go out of my way for it much or think about it deeply. I do respect people’s love for alcohol, I just don’t share it. And I do think there’s a lot of silliness and elitism around it that I tend to poke fun at. There were parts of this show where Ryu was pontificating about the drink he made where my response was “Ok sure, whatever you say buddy”. So if you are someone who does not have a genuine affinity for alcohol, I think this one may focus on it too much for you. That’s how I feel. I respect the passion other people have for alcohol though, which I think is being reflected here very well. I can see what it’s going for and I wouldn’t say it’s failing at it, what it’s doing just doesn’t work for me. If you have a deep connection with alcohol there is a lot of meaning here for you. My favorite part is when Ryu makes the drink styled after the late previous bartender for the chairman, who refused to enjoy anyone else’s drinks. All of the segments talking about the meaning of the drinks are fine, but the message I felt the most is the one about how a flavor can bring you back to an earlier time in life.

This works the best for me because it does not need any connection with alcohol specifically to be relatable, most people have a food or drink that reminds them of a happy time in their life. One of those for me is my dad’s homemade pesto, I’ve had it so many times over the years and it still tastes the best of any pesto I’ve had.

After giving it the 3 episode treatment, which I personally believe is giving a show a proper chance (my first impressions posts are based on the first 3 episodes), I will not be continuing this one. But that is not because of some glaring issue with the show, I don’t think there’s anything especially bad about it. I just really don’t care for the subject matter and this show doesn’t offer enough outside of its hobby. I have enjoyed various hobby shows that focused on subjects I’m not particularly into, such as Do it Yourself (DIY), March Comes in Like a Lion (shogi), and Your Lie in April (performing music). But those shows offered things other than the main hobby that I latched onto, such as immediately striking characters, great presentation and strong emotional resonance. Nothing about Glass of God grabbed me, but I can see how it could be more gripping for others. I think people who have a greater appreciation for drinking culture will have more to resonate with here. If you have a strong appreciation for alcohol and bars you should really check this one out if you aren’t watching or reading it already. Thanks for reading!

Beautiful shot, when I implied the presentation of Glass of God didn’t grip me, I don’t mean it looks bad. It just doesn’t stand out.

Rei Caldombra

Lizard Vtuber whose the main writer and owner of Blog Under a Log! See the About section for more info about me.

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